News Clips

World Happenings (my own written news and feature articles coming soon)

Is "gospel" music becoming secular?-August 23, 2010

Newly signed Universal Label artist Fred Hammond
A great amount of gospel artists are signing with secular record labels. With this trend I have noticed that these artistic acquistions are out of line with the word. How? Well,  according to scripture "light and darkness" don't mix, therefore, you can't drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons too (1 Corinthians 10:21). These labels main objective is to promote the secular artists signed with their company, they are also busy carrying out the work of Satan by "blurring" the lines between what is clean and what is not clean. Mixing the so-called undefiled with the defiled. My prayer is that at least ONE gospel artist will not try to pacify the world by asserting that he or she cannot be bought with the promise of fame, fortune and wealth. That he/she are SOULed out for Jesus and they will risk the "curse" of  unpopularity  before aligning themselves with artists who promote the exact opposite of what our God stands for. Whose game?

(No doubt) a demonically influenced mother drowns her own children in order to be "free" from responsibility-August 23, 2010

Shaquan Duley
Upon hearing about this story, I was absolutely incensed,but then I had to stop and think. When we TRULY don't have Christ in our lives, or claim him but have a form of godliness with absolutely no power (2 Timothy 3:15) other than to destroy then these types of things will happen.

 According to some reports I have read, Shaquan Duley was having problems with her mom's criticism of her parenting skills (hmmm, I wonder why). She wanted to be free of the responsibility of being a parent, so she maliciously killed her innocent little baby boys, two year-old DeVean and eighteen month-old Ja'Van. Reports also state that she has a five year-old child who was somewhere else when the murders took place. Whenever tragedies like this occur, I can't help but wonder  what kind of "things" possibly influenced this woman to "go over the edge" like that.

Things like generational curses, even listening to too many CDs,watching an overabundance of  DVDs and other "darkness carriers"  that were great influencers in the life of  this spiritually/ mentally unstable individual. No doubt, if she listens to a majority of today's hip hop she's basically listening to instructions "looped over a beat" to kill, sleep around, do whatever you want and other godless influences overtly celebrated in most forms of entertainment.

 Or perhaps she's caught up with the messed up lives of these so-called beautiful, happy, rich and glamourous artists she watches daily on dumb soap operas, Hollywood movies,  B.E.T. or MTV desiring to live through them vicarously. Perhaps she just wanted to feel loved and believed the lies of one too many "thugs" who are too busy trying to live that same music video, Puffy/Jay-Z/Lil' Wayne life where "making it rain" is so commonplace.  Better yet, to receive the love from a mother who may have been way too critical or to know the father who more than likely is not very present in her confusing life.

 I know that this lady had to be beyond her whits end by committing a crime so incomprehensible. One must wonder if she had any of the necessary resources and support systems in place that could have helped her be a more successful parent. Whatever the root cause, the road looks pretty bleak for Ms. Duley not unless she switches from the one that leads to destruction, gets on and stays on the road that leads to eternal life. No matter what she faces in the future, in spite of this tragedy, Jesus can give her beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).

DeVean and Ja'Van Duley

Novelist Anne Rice denounces Christianity

y HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer Hillel Italie, Ap National WriterThu Jul 29, 9:08 pm ET NEW YORK – Anne Rice has had a religious conversion: She's no longer a Christian.

"In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control," the author wrote Wednesday on her Facebook page. "In the name of ... Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen."(Courtesy of

Note: I can understand why Mrs. Rice feels this way. The church in America has gotten it's focus off of Christ, therefore it reflects more of a sinful world than it does a strong united body that we see in the New Testament book The Acts. What do you think of Mrs. Rice's decision? How has the church played a part in bringing people to Christ or turning them away from him? Share your thoughts in the "News" section of forum under the Community link.

Lady Gaga admits that her demonic dreams influence her stage shows.

In my walk with Christ, I have been doing a lot of study regarding spiritual warfare and how secular music is used to keep us from responding to the power and presence of God. In my studying, I have come across a lot of material that teaches about how various media forms infuse Satanic/Illuminati/demonic symbols and rituals into their music, movies,etc. Funny thing is, if you mention any of this to most so-called Christians they will defend the actions of these people or write you off as being  "uptight." Oh well, to definitely be continued(photo courtesy of Ex Times).

Awww, aren't they cute? By Angela Malele

NOT! and I mean this from a spiritual perspective. I mean, anyone who has two eyes can see that these two are very physically attractive and make a  very beautiful couple the picturesque scene is so beautiful with the Mediterranean sea as it's backdrop. *Sigh* But let's not forget that Lucifer was also beautiful too, so we can't get all caught up in that looks thing.

In any case, my problem is that Ms. Keys(I guess Mrs. Beats now) broke up a home. Mr. Kasseem Dean (Swizz Beats real name) had a wife named Mashonda and a child with her, in addition to the son he had with his first wife, he also fathered another child with someone else while still married to her. From what I can recall, Keys began dating Dean when he was STILL MARRIED to his first wife. Yet, no one is hardly questioning this or calling it out for what it is. Adultery and fornication.

This is also another wrong  "confirmation" to starstruck followers and justifiers (fans)that it's okay to sleep with someone who is another person's husband or wife, cause them to divorce, shack up with him or her, get pregnant and then marry the person (who left his/her spouse for him/her) to "legitimize" it all. Also,  It doesn't matter if he and his wife were having "problems" or that it must be "true love" with he and Keys because he divorced his wife for her.

WITW (What in the world?)? It's wrong period. Who knows? God may have had a plan for the two(Dean and his first wife) to reconcile their differences and then the home wrecker. . .oops I meant, Keys comes along adding more fuel to an already out of control fire. What cracks me up is that that the new wife seems to forget that the same way she helped herself to someone else's man can possibly happen to her. Afterall, she does have a song called "Karma". . . what comes around goes around what comes up must come down. . .to be cont'd. . .

Click photo to go to Proverbs 31 Woman